Burnham-on-Sea 2nd22- Ivel Barbarians 0
“Love’s potion to  powerful for  the  BaBa’s”

Burnham Seconds entertained Ivel Barbarians on the  home turf of  BASC  weekend  27th  Oct. Burnham were  still smarting  from the  defeat  of  the  previous  week  that had left  a particular bad taste in the mouths  of  those  who  had participated.  Burnham had  lacked  true  grit  when it  was  needed; to most the taste of defeat was indeed a long lingering affair.

This was  quickly put  to  bed on the  Captains opening address  to  the  team which was more of a showing that has  come  to  be  expected on home  games; a plethora of  talent  was on display with players  returning from injury  and a bevy of  colts  who  had  answered  the  call up  in the  form of Ben Harris; Ben Stacey; Alex Watkins; Mason; Mike  Nash and  John Edwards.

A very good work up to the  game  was  held and  with  the  final word  from the  Captain Matt Slater the  official got  the  game  underway.

The  opposition; Ivel Barbarians have  been  performing very  well in  the  league  and  were  above  the  home  side in the  League  Table judging by their work up  they  were  a confident unit which on the  surface  was  well  balanced. The game  was  to be  played on the  main BASC pitch, which is wide, and  fast  this  suited  Burnham and  the  weather  was  perfect  for some  running Rugby. As  the  game  got underway a reasonable  crowd had  gathered to  spectate on what  was  anticipated  to  be a good  spectacle of rugby.
Almost  immediately the  visitors  went  on the  offensive with  some well co-ordinated moves between forwards and  backs  which pushed  Burnham into  their own half; to  the  colts  this  was  their baptism of  fire it soon became  apparent  that  Burnham was  not  to  allow this  side  to  dominate and  a counter offensive which took the home   side  into  the  visitors  22 and  won a penalty  which  was  aptly  converted  by Alex  Watkins. From the  kick off and  set  up  from Glen Cutter with  positive  support  work  from John Edwards the  ball  was intelligently moved into  the  backs  by Stand off Alex  Bowkett, Josh at  centre  timed  the  pass perfectly to  Matt Love who only just failed  to  beat his man  and  was bundled into  touch; this  positive flurry spurned  the  Burnham side  on. From the  throw in the  ball  was  set  up  by the  visitors in the mid field  but there  distribution was disrupted  by  Ben  Bowket who  broke  out and  made  twelve metres  before  setting the ball  up; in an almost identical sequence  of  play from Alex  and  Josh  the  timed pass this  time  got  to  Matt Love with  space  to get into  his  stride who left  his  opposite number  and  the  full  back looking on in awe as he  danced  between the  uprights; try  and  conversation by Alex Watkins. The  home  side  were beginning to  settle. The  visitors  realised  that  unless they  got moving the  game  would be  out  of  reach  before it had  really  started and in the  next  period put Burnham under  considerable  serious pressure which  almost  breached  the  home  teams line. The defence held out, much to the frustration of the visitors who were pouring in all they had to get on the scoreboard.

As the game  was approaching the end  of  the  first  half from yet again a disrupted turn over  ball this  time  by  Ash Morris the  hooker the  ball passed  through the hands of  Rob Lewis who  crashed through the  line; passed  to Josh in the  centre who fed the  full back Alex Watkins to  be passed  to  Matt  Love who beat  of  two tackles  to  score in the  corner great  try;  no  conversation. This  was  the  final play of  the  first  half. Burnham up 15 -nil

The  brief  was  all about what  to  expect  in the  second half the  visitors  were expected  to throw there  all in and  this  is  exactly what happened attack after  attack was  mounted but Burnham’s  line  was not breached, due  to  copious amounts of  replacements Lee Berry was  able  to organise a steady  stream of fresh  legs into  the  squad which without a doubt sapped  the  morale and  the strength of  the  visitors Ryan Reynolds; Mike  Edwards; Mike  Smith; Gibbo; Mac; Tom Stevens; Mac ;  all made  it into  the  squad during this  period, which  added  to  the  strength  of  the  side who  were not  only holding out  but beginning to  exert  pressure which eventually saw  them camped in the  visitors  22, unsuccessful near misses  by Capt Matt Slater; John Edwards; and  Matt love  saw  the  visitors hang  on desperately until from a breakdown and pick and  go  the  ball was delivered  to  Rob Lewis who immediately  showed  all where the  line  was  as  he  crashed  over  under  the  uprights, try  converted by Alex Watkins. Score Burnham 22 Ivel 0.

In the  final  ten minutes Ivel conducted  a late  rally, which brought them very close to scoring; yet  again Burnham held  on proudly to  the  clean sheet .

This  game  was played in the  true spirit of  rugby Ivel had  turned  up  expecting to  take  home  the points this  had  been  thwarted  in every  phase  of  play  by a determine focused  Burnham  side  whose only aim was  to  win the  day; this  was accomplished by a very  encouraging performance  of  the  whole  squad  who contributed to  this win, special mention must  be  given  to  the  colts who  stood up  to  the  challenge and  excelled  in their  playing prowess.

The man of  the  match  was Matt Love a difficult  choice  as  so many could  have  laid claim to  that  accolade.
The  Captain Matt Slater who  had  a birthday this  week must  have  dreamt sweet birthday dreams as  he snuggled into  his  teddy bear in the  aftermath of  this  victory.

Training on Thursday at least ;for  those  that  can  make it this is a must if we  are to build on this  performance; this  can only  be  achieved with  a positive turn out. 
