Burnham 2nd 0 Taunton 48
 20 April 13
“Burnham Fail to produce final flurry”.
Burnham seconds travelled to Taunton on Sat 20 April. To face third placed Taunton Titans. This  was the final game of  the  season which  was marred by a lack  of  support  from the regular 2s squad, it was a weakened  side  that  rolled  out never the  less all credit must  go  to the  Captain to  persevere and turn a  squad  out at  all.  It  was  a perfect  day for  running rugby with  a blessing of  sunshine which  was  very  welcome  indeed  in comparison to  some of  the  weather  faced in recent  weeks. The game  got  of to  a  blistering pace with  both  sides  jockeying around mid  field  trying  to  exploit the  weakness of  each  side, this play  went  on  for  twenty  minutes at  least  before  Taunton broke  through to  cross the  line. This  knocked  Burnham back on their  heels  and  they  retaliated with  a very  good  passage of  play in their eagerness  to  exploit the  territory  they  had  gained  they  left  their  left  flank unguarded  allowing a breakout  try  to  be  scored by Taunton number 7.  Again the  call was  to  rally and  the  team  reacted accordingly ; the colts  who  had  turned  out were outstanding and  pitched in like veterans unfortunately Taunton  who  were very  cohesive were dictating much  of  the  play although  the  ground  was  being hard  fought  for with  Burnham contesting every  metre of  ground given. 
Unfortunately the odds were against this gutsy Burnham side and despite attacks launched by Ryan Reynolds; lee Berry; Matt Slater ; Tom; Glen  and Lloyd  supported by the bulk of the pack  little headway was made  although  these excursions were frequent no break  out  could  be  found  this  was disappointing  as points  would  have been just  reward  for  the  effort  that  was  being put in.
On the  other  side  of  the  coin the  Burnham defence was a stalwart in the  face  of the  organised  opposition great tackles  were put by OZ  Ash  Morris and  Tiny Rees.
The game  at  this  stage  was  becoming one  of  attrition; hampered  by the  fact  that Burnham only had  two Subs and  they  were deployed in the  first  half. In contrast to Taunton who were lining up to get on. The home side were picking Burnham off literally at will which was very frustrating to Burnham players.
Never the less and great credit must be given  to  Burnham  at  no time  did  their  resolve falter  this  attitude prevailed right  up  to  the  very  end  of  the  game.
This was a game that  was  not  lost  by the players  who  turned up; the  game   was  lost  by the  2s squad who  for  what  reason were unable to  support  the  side. This  was  indeed  a  sad reflection to  end  the  season on when so  much  success  has  been  shared  throughout  the  season.
On the  positive  side  Burnham have  accredited  themselves  very  well  in  Somerset 2 South maintaining  a stable  standard of  Rugby through out the  season  that is  an  accomplishment. Well done to all those who have participated.
The  2s have  laid  their stall out  for next  season which  is  something that is  there  to  build  on.

I still  need  a few  more  names  of  volunteers for  the  Gulliver’s  WE 4/5 May  name  to  me  ASAP.
