Another fine Saturday afternoon of weather saw Burnham head to combe in high confidence after last week’s emphatic win at home only to be brought down to earth with a poor display of discipline and not playing to our strengths. 
The team sheet was full of youth and experience once more as they welcomed Samuel Everett into the team for his senior debut and welcomed back Henry Bigwood and Chris Leigh 
The squad was full of replacements as well until bouts of life threatening illnesses, phones not working etc…. which left us with just 2 on the sideline.
Burnham started the game with how they finished last week playing quick fast free flowing attacking rugby and we’re rewarded with a try in the corner by Henry after a solid maul. 
A quick turnover for combe caught Burnham flat footed and they spread they ball wide and their winger scored under they posts.
Burnham were creating opportunities but poor decision making lead them to not finishing them off.
2nd half started with Burnham working hard up the pitch and got rewarded with a penalty which piper kicked to get back into the lead straight from the restart combe bagged themselves a penalty and retook the lead.
Burnham regained it with another pen 5 mins later but after this instead of taking control and playing simple rugby they folded and let the frustrations of some poor refereeing decisions get into their heads and conceded penalty after penalty mainly through captain Tim Piper
The game finished with combe scoring a pushover try.
Lessons that must be learnt is no matter what a ref is right (no matter how bad) 
In the heat of a game heads must be cool
Always walk off knowing you gave your all and enjoyed it.
Training as a team is hugely important to get better
Our targets stay the same for rest of season
Lastly when there is an away game let’s all get on the bus.
Well done to the beards Scott and Ryan who caused havoc with their open play running.
Mom Sam
Dod Tim 
Home to Somerton next Saturday 
